Is Canada Losing Jobs to Indian Immigrants?
eVISA experience from EU airport
Struggling with ID as an International on a UK Visa? Need Advice!
Why A Vote For PPC Is Not A Wasted Vote
Should I buy a new laptop with the Hungarian keyboard to help learn Hungarian more efficiently?
HELP! I washed the inside of my rice cooker.
The Glowing Logo Was Peak Modern Design and Apple Murdered It
Is it possible to reject the first offer after signing it if you get a better offer?
Would You Move Away from Canada Right Now?
Brand New MacMini M4 won't start any more
Non tech person needs to replace 10 year old MacBook Pro
my common combo
Where would you move to find work?
My gf’s passport
How would European countries react if Alaska became part of Canada?
What is the best dating app to meet Russian men?
M4 MBA Base Model Is More Than Enough for 95% of Users—But Everyone Here Thinks They’re in the 5%
I want to learn Hungarian!
What's the easiest path to citizenship outside of the EU & US?
Beyond travel and residency, what are the benefits of new EU citizenship that I don’t know about that I should take advantage of?
UK Passport, without living in the UK through marriage.
Which world passports display only 1 language?
I speak English
After ten years here I finally got one of these.
Pro tip to get a basic job