Is Eva Levante schizophrenic?
This is so insanely bullshit
What this whole season has felt like
Nice try Bungie
I'm a simple man
Bungie help literally sucks
Rushdown includes vaulted Bosses
Someone please explain
Trump announces month-long suspension of Mexico tariffs
New to raiding
Anyone else having issues in nether today?
What’s the best DPS rotation for hunters right now?
I really like competitive, but one drop a week PER CLASS is a bad idea.
EzFlash – “Check System Power error: Please Plug in AC Adapter” ASUS ROG GA502DU
Redrix Estoc curated roll didn’t drop
I'm posting this here because I'm desperate
Nether secret chest that I haven't seen mentioned before
Help: Can't connect to server
Do not vote empower evermore.
Bungie gave the community exactly what they asked for with Sundered Doctrine. You have no right to complain.
Wait what? It can talk dirty?
Bet your girlfriend can’t do this 😏
I've just been pardoned by President Trump! 🇺🇲
r/destiny2 is banning links to Twitter/X