Sawyer family vs firefly family
My collection
I've got some free time today. Let me draw your puppy!
Finally got to meet her!
Jack and sally pose session!
Which two are you choosing?
I hope Young James is in the KC Tomorow.
This came earlier than expected.
POV: You're about to secure 6 Federal Charges
Got the hitchhiker
Could you?
What’s the best slasher released in 1981 to you?
Out-of-box horror collectors, what figures are you all using for your “victims”?
Whos more evil? Jed or tommy
What head should I use?
Whos more evil tommy or jed?
New Horror, Rock and Wrestle Fest guest has been announced, None other than Edwin Neal who played The Hitchhiker from the Original TCM has been announced to be attending the event next month
Dog will hunt
Which character is more evil?
Mother’s Day
I absolutely love this picture!
If you had to eliminate any movie from the franchise, which one would you eliminate?
Who is yours?