CMV: alkohol i droga su jednaki(alkohol je droga)
Keys | New Player
My fridge and freezer- who am I?
How dumb is this secondary investment fund?
tv station favorite gun
Odrasli ljudi koji igraju igrice.
Da li volite da jedete džigericu?
Kako da ne budem pi*ka? 26M
[KCD2] Is there a good photo mode mod or in-game feature.
My nails turned white 2 years ago. A dozen doctors a hundred tests and they’re all stumped
What did you start weaning with?
What are the positives (if any??) about having a toddler?
I'm 20 hrs in and haven't done hardly any quests and I'm absolutely loving it. Anyone else playing this way?
Chasing the Skyrim feeling.
Losing friends because I became a parent
What is happening?
farm keys are so ass what keys and what map do you recommend?
5.8x42 ammo
AIO because my (20f) BF (21M) prayed to Trump at my family’s dinner
Why do people defend default lean binds are just as good as thumb leaving??
Zadovoljstvo od kad ste u EU
How to make this space more usable?
Kad dobijete goste i trebate skuhati im kavu, kako i kakvu kavu skuhate?
Dali je ova plaća realan pokazatelj stanja u Hrvatskoj?