I am so freaking tired
Am I crazy?
How many ultrasounds is too many
How many weeks are you in your pregnancy?
How can I avoid reading gender on the NIPT?
Lucid nightmares/dreams
Nausea and anxiety help
Going camping with a newborn ?
Stringy discharge
BBT in pregnancy
Avoiding the news
When did you start to show?
Telling boss you are pregnant is so weird
When is your due date?
Gagging/Dry heaving started at 9 weeks. Will I possibly still get relief in 2nd trimester?
Are you telling people your baby name or waiting until they’re born?
Do most people wait until later in the pregnancy to find out the sex?
Working with nausea
how would you describe your morning sickness/nausea?
Feeling guilty
What week did you start showing?
Let’s be real with each other, how many of you maintained your normal sex life during the first trimester?
I need to cook.
12 weeks in, and now the vomiting starts?