Ravenguard is a fucking idiot (Act 3 Spoilers)
Please help!!
A little help dealing with Hwo?
Eddie, is this guy mentally stable?
HELP with goblin fight. Act 1.
Bar for not wanting to be sexualised while also having your cleavage out?
Why true?
Do you think it’s morally justified to beat someone up for vandalizing your car?
Jfc high ranks suck ass
Character flairs needed in the this sub.
Where did the pain guy go?
Would Heihachi be broken if df1 and 1,1 were -1 on block again?
Has anyone noticed Orin has a ring?
At least I know she’s rich I guess…
Remember that participating in 6v6 comp is misogynistic
You should not get a D/C penalty for quick matches.
Should we expect tracking changes in S2?
All posts related to women are banned
Can't rematch anyone
So Paul is a character that doesnt ever have to block?
Woman Minding Her Own Business, Proceeds to get Peed On
Exactly how hard is heihachi?
Flats vs 5 sexy kpop girls
What should be my 2nd Class?