Anyone else have a natural tendency to just hyper focus on the negatives all the time?
For my fellow black men on here, how would y’all say the dating scene is here?
It amazes me just how easily an ex can ruin your chances with somebody
Is hiring like dating?
I let infatuations effect my mental health
Love yourself.
Wanna end it sometimes
Feel like I’ve come a long way
It’s hard to see the vision when you have no history
Feel like I’ve come a long way, specifically in attraction
AITAH for the way I reacted to my wife’s flirting with a guy
Timing is a motherfucker ain’t it
When was the last time you were head over heels over a girl that didn’t like you back?
What was your biggest sucker moment/phase?
For the guys here, what was your biggest sucker moment/phase?
What’s a time things got really awkward at work between you and a coworker you had history with?
When was a time where you let a crush effect your mental health?
When was a time where you let a crush you had on a girl effect your mental health?
A time where a crush you had affected your mental health?
Feels like there’s a black hole in my chest
Nearly slept with a coworker, now shit is awkward asf
Nearly slept with a coworker, now shit is super awkward
Don’t even know what to title this but fuck it, I just need to get this off my chest. Me (24) her (22F)