What’s C0 father‘s avg dmg for a decent build.
How much dmg gain does song of the days past actually give?
What do i improve?
How much difference in damage is there between identical gladiator and whimsy sets??
Which character did you triple crown first, and why?
To all the Demi’s out there, how do you cope up from being horny all the time!
Feeling guilty for "unlocking myself quickly" (am I still demi?)
How's my dear otter?
Thoughts on my build?
What was your first 5 star(s)?
How much damage should a decently built Arl with Lvl 10 normal atk do?
Got her just today, what teams are best for her with my characters?
What are your favorite Arle teams that does NOT invlove Bennett?
Best team comb?
Planning to pull her. and want to know Whats her Ideal Build ?
I didn't get hp%, should I throw this piece away??
Is the drip worth it if I already have PJWS? Should I go for C1 instead?
Ehh no hp% dead piece
this was one of my luckiest pulls ever
Help me create my team for abyss 😭
Ayaka has permanent 20% atk buff this month. Finally 40k no quills cuts.
Should I pull for Navia?
William ransom is more like lord john than Jamie!