My collection of GPUs through the years. Here's hoping the 7900 XTX can hold up as well as my GTX 1080 did.
3 degrees with a windchill of -15. Forcast calls for -40 windchills tomorrow in the midwest. Merry Christmas!
Only the coolest hard hat on the jobsite
My son has been so proud to show me all the "Awesome purple gear" he's been getting. So proud of my Kinderguardian.
Your Shipping Partner Sucks, dbrand 🤣
Largest military exercise in history of Bellevue’s Offutt Air Force Base begins March 31
I've been saying for years we should be looking at MSP more. And I thought this graph was perfect for r/Omaha
Minneapolis Minnesota let the free market work and it's been paying off
It's not that hard... Is it? It's the only mode I play on. Hard-core or nothing baby. It really is a better experience.
Who Approved Bellevue Bay’s Lazy River Design? That’s One Ballsy Choice
Supervisor says “need to add venting to toilet within 6feet”??
New boots!
It's Possible To Get Stuck Floating In The Space Station If You Can't Reach A Wall
Seven deadly zyns
Struggling to find a replacement hose for my bathroom sink that burst
Commuter Rail is more than just getting to Lincoln; it would transform transit inside Omaha as well
Do you know what “the metro” is?
Well well well, look who I found on a Buzzfeed list about bad employers 😅
How MCU Sam is treated
“Hey boss can you come over here for a sec”
2018 Transit.
PS5 causing hand pain, are there decent alternative controllers?
Why is my hot water heater..glowing?
When you try to calculate and your calculator starts questioning your choices.