Thoughts on the Tesla dealership vandalism?
What happened to the Green Party?
Abortion and Putting Animals to Sleep
Why do the “less educated” vote conservative?
HR 1525 - Protecting Life from Chemical Abortions Act
I am in denial about being pregnant.
What if anything from a candidates past would prevent you from voting for them?
Why do progressives argue that the party should move left to inspire increased turnout when polls show that 80% of this country identify as either conservative or moderate and politically disengaged voters would vote for Trump?
If liberals realized how bad Trump was going to be, do you think most of the democrat non voters/protest voters/third party voters would have voted for Kamala?
It's crazy how pro-choicers act like their side is just common sense
Where do you draw the line?
People are so pro choice until you choose life
Pro-choice likes to put "Women's rights" on banners, but hate to give them real help. It's easier to slap "self-hating misogynist" all grieving women and call it a day
Infanticide Rate (not actually) per 100 women in US and racist abortion enjoyer
Why do liberals hate Elon musk so much?
If I'm against a full ban am I still pro life or not?
If there was a magic truth serum given to Trump and you could ask one question, what would it be?
Pro-life protesters begin 40-day lent protest near Glasgow clinic
Apparently being pro-life is a replacement for racism???
Why does Trump want Canada as a state?
Why are Democrats so self destructive and self righteous?
Companies that support abortion
Pro-choicer with a question
DEFUND Planned Parenthood: Brain harvested at corporation while baby's heart was 'still beating'
Pro-Life Arguments to avoid