Ken and gypsy being into the same stuff
One more thing for the day…. You would think the “ex gf “ would come out and debunk any rumors going around . Comments like “You think she's trying to make the "said gf" real to debunk the other rumors about Ken-dra😳”
This is body language of someone who so loves their baby. 😂 like she is straight up glaring at her
Tried to watch her live but it kept getting frozen. These were the two frames I got stuck on. Laughed my ass off, screenshotted, then gave up and left.
What GameCube games should I look for?
When did our kiddos get so big !?
Those who sold off most of your collection. How did you feel afterwards?
First time playing Luigi’s mansion and this made me laugh and think “who are you?!” Also wario needs to go into ghost hunting to get some fast money.
should i buy a console?
Gypsy staying out of the comments……..
Finally getting my Virtual Boy fixed 😄
Thoughts on my new tat?
Gypsy … 🤌🏻😂
Wild 😂😂
So much for not posting her baby
If you have played this game, prove it by quoting one of Wario's voice clips!
The Shining (Cemetery Dance Edition)
Why TF would Ken have THIS picture of the Dumb Psychopath cosplaying a sick mentally disabled child in his apartment!? 🤮
Just a reminder Gyp…
Anyone else’s face burn and turn red after they go do basic exercise ? It makes me exhausted and I will be inside and it just burns for hours .
Is anyone else just there for people to listen to them talk? I swear they seek me out and just never listen to what I have to say , only listen to themselves talk. It’s very triggering for me . No one ever listens to me .
You jealous?
Instagram vs. Mirror
Who she actually copied off of …….