Best Restaurants?
First impressions... Am I doing something wrong?
What do you guys think of 5x5 for building strength on the bench?
Locum physicists - what is your take-home pay each month?
Caribbean Kiting in March
Vacation in Carriacou
PRS HDRX effects loop
Why do medical physicists in the US make so much more than their Canadian or British counterparts?
AAPM Proposed Dues Increase
Where are the best places to wingfoil in Hawaii?
Big Island wing foil?
I feel like this is a really stupid idea. Thoughts?
My anxiety could never
If I avoid Bluetooth radiation, I guess that means psvr2 won’t be for me correct? Kinda sucks.
PlayStation VR2 players can access games on PC with adapter starting on August 7
The Real Estate Nightmare Unfolding in Downtown St. Louis
SRAM Transmission shifter pod battery life?
Saw Most gorgeous French guy
Ain’t no way bud
Comparison of free Sun Nuclear rulers
What will you answer if someone tells you during Easter: “Christ is risen”?
Conjoined twin, Abby Hensel's wedding.
So did SculptrVR just disappear completely? I know I had bought it, now I can't find it in my library or the PS Store.
I'm ending my 4 year relationship.
I know you guys hate this but…
PS VR2 players who had PSVR1, how do you guys feel about paid upgrades? What price-point feels right?