As an INTJ woman I’ve never met an INTJ man. Where do yall hang?
How to fold a shirt
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
Do we naturally gravitate more towards night owl or early bird?
Is Grok good for job prep/interview?
If you had 24 hours to spend a billion dollars, how would you do it?
What do you do when you have an hour or two to yourself in the evening?
Honest question what’s your keybind for your kick?
She won????
What is this join?? Please help!
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
No country for old men
Reminder! Do not leave credit card information on SCAM BUNDLE
Thieves used a stolen card to buy a US$523,000 lottery ticket. The victim wants to share the winnings
Man runs entire marathon in jeans
What are these called in your language?
How is this called in your language?
I regret becoming a manager
How does the alphabet sound in your language?
How did that person in your high school die?
It's getting harder and harder for couples to have kids
The probability of your crush liking you back is so low
Most unfortunate fishing trip ever.
What's this called in your language?
Has there EVER been any good billionaire?