Nok'tuun experience
what are peoples opinions on meorlark?
Got a glorious idea and learned some new video editing skills to make a meme
QOTD: What spec if it were irl, would be the scariest?
My creature are obese ._.
There's "Clans" in CoS now?? (Read Body Text) (Image Unrelated)
What do my mains say about me?
Finally i get one khilutatra
This is reason im almost quit cos
Who’s that Sonarian! Round 1
what made you start playing?
Guys i warn you if met the ghar use hacks
One think for development why.
After played 3 year but this is end
Shield of my teammate
Stat Notation Archive #19 (10/25)
Don't make noise
favorite healing creature?
What is a single buff that would make a creature disgustingly strong?
Stat Notation Archive #17 (10/11)
Creatures i wanna see in cos so bad