Xbox Series S Jailbreak.
All the animals come out at night...
Any way to fix the 1/4 of my screen thats missing? (PPSSPP XBSX)
I need a new shelf!
How often do you rewatch?
How do you swap discs without Disc Control? (Xbox Series X)
First time playing Snatcher! I also have the Policenauts fan translation on Saturn up and running to try next
A few new steelbooks
Tonight's double feature
Amazon order💪 I've wanted Cape Fear for a long time now!
Gotta love Dice! How does this Spanish release compare to the blu ray from Fox? I picked it up because its way cheaper and it looks pretty good I think!
Any idea on how to fix this Max Payne 3 bug on PS3?
Mail check! Love The Dice Man in this underrated classic!
Sonny Chiba doing what Sonny Chiba does!
What's currently in your 4K player?
Check your local Walmart!
Just a reminder to take advantage of the Arrow sale!
Tonights watch. Also a reminder that Arrowvideo has a 50% sale going on right now!
What's a movie you don't mind buying over and over again?
The only Lynch movie I have never seen is finally here!
Surprised to see these at Walmart! Never had these on Blu Ray only DVD so I can't wait to see them again!
Happy Birthday David Lynch!
Some Christmas gifts I got. Good Christmas!