Is any of this old junk worth keeping?
Favorite guitarist with an interest in zoophilia?
Luthier fear mongering has people so scared of their own instruments they forget what a fucking screwdriver is...
How many toans do pickup stickers add?
why is EVH Striped Series Circles low key giving Saddam Hussein hiding spot
Do you guys use condoms on your guitars?
Writing as "Something Humans Do"
My proposal for increasing drone awareness
3000 silly hats of the IRGC navy
I had my Lutheran blow up my toan hole.
This is my guitar if you guys were wondering. How should i go about learning this beast
How did Chris Hansen learn to play guitar while he's sleeping?
outjerked again fellas. fucks sake.
82nd airborne division vs Tibetan monks
Vinyl is back and it’s all thanks to Gen Z
The guy from Smashing Pumpkins
Can I get to this level of shred by the end of the year?
Do you guys assign gender to you guitars?
You ok Jackson?.....
SG with Grover tuners
Does Your County Have A Dollar General?
Waving my dick until someone sucks it for me (at GRINDR CONFERENCE)
The creamy sound hole toan is makin my gibbons squirt 💦
0/10 no succulents
What is happening