Heard we got Germano-Italian thing going today
Probable the best RTS out there on mobiles and glad it does support online multiplayer.
Which one do You prefer and why?
Koens too low (S5)
Anyone using M16s with Sniper barrels?
German and Italian DA/SA hammers.
Try this technically best and cheap 5.56 gun before it's too late!
Has anyone ever played this version of Coh1?
Why is this always happening every time I start screen recording on my mobile?
What comes to your mind when you see Muhammad Ali Mirza?
Any suggestions for Pgrip?
Rate my OG Xbox game collection
Heavy, Short and purple
Whats your favorite beater AK and why is it a Romanian?
Just installed Barwarus parts. Suddenly, working the action is incredibly hard and very stiff. AK is a PSA-74M. Any ideas?
Custom Jmac receiver build