He leveled a city, Sally. (X-Factor #20)
What’s up with the hate posts?
Monday Request Place: Post your short & simple requests here
“I’m a married woman, you know?” (Astonishing X-Men #51)
X Fandom vs Storm
How is the holodeck always available when needed?
Human x Machine romance?
I’m sorry, I’m stupid. Will someone please tell me what Cyclops was right about?
So who’s taking these poor guys home after the ice cream eating challenge
Many people forget that the reason why sue hates Emma is that Emma is one of the people responsible for Turing Jean into dark phoenix
Ngl I'd really like to see more Emma x Tony. (Invincible Iron Man 14)
Which Marvel movie do you actually really like that you wish annoying haters would stop complaining about?
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 15
Does Stephanie Brown know Bruce Wayne is Batman?
Got a violation notice for "Adult Content"—I have no idea why
Disney messed up💀🖤🔥
This is a question for the beasts fans do you think Hank was much more happier and healthier In the avengers and the x men despite being his “family”
Wait why does Admiral Kirk need permission to take the Enterprise to the Genesis planet? Isn’t he an Admiral?
But...but...he is zabraak and she is woman!
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 13
How the hell did Odo stick onto the wall!?
Erotica Requests & Recs: Post your erotica & specific sex act requests & recs here
They really got a white, blonde women to say this line
The World of... Brightness? From r/HunterTheParenting
ohemgee guys DAE think politics is just lyk star war???