Is sevika set up to fail? As a counciler she is the only one thats after the well being of zaun while the rest can outvote her in every turn, how will she actually make a change?
All current Vice Admirals invade Amazon Lily. Who wins and why?
Wolf Stormblade be like:
Why hasn't LeBlanc invited Veigar or at least contact him when she knows how strong he is?
If Ranked would be Deleted from this Game would you still play it?
I need someone to tell me I’m not alone in my experience here…
[Request] How many Mentos and liters of Coke would it take to cover the earth in fizz?
Bro.... am I...locking in? 😦
Why did Jinx not use her Shimmer speed to get to Isha?
Im sorry what😭
Jinbei runs Warlord Gauntlet
1 of the craziest nerfs in W101…
I think I'm losing it with these " challenges "
This tough guy is fighting bubbles..
Suburban Operator love song
EveryDayyyyyyy!!!!!!!! this fight got the most analysis I've ever seen in my life
Who is this?
My mom calling pregnancy “the ultimate feminine experience” makes me want to scream
...Seriously, if this mf is still alive, its going to take like, gear 6 luffy take him down.
Call me crazy but I just feel like this is the strongest thing we've seen in the series even post TYBW.
Russia, China, USA alliance when?
The true prodigy..
Bare with me, together with her other very awesome stats, Yamato does possess Top tier AP and is one, I'll prove why, read.