The British East India Company won last round. Now, who was the worst famous lib-center person? (Reposted to partially fix image quality issues)
Stereotypical Flags of the Compass
"Tell me about the workers democracy, rosa"
Condemnation of Galilei Galileu
The next girl that is showing interest in me seems to have BPD as well
Were there any crossovers planned for Jason other than Elm Street?
The Uncertain Future of the Vatican: What happens if Pope Francis Steps Down or Dies?
Henry Kissinger won last round. Now, who was the worst famous lib-right person?
Ancient Arabs (Bedouins) Were Proto-AnCaps
The Virgin Germany VS The Chad Austria & Switzerland
Which one is the least bad extreme?
King Leopold II won last round. Now, who was the worst famous right-center person?
Unbiased crusades compass
More types of catholic spirituality
Old beginnings anew..
Reddit mods won last round. Now, who was the worst famous centrist?
What staff is this 😭
The EU is what happens when people demand so much government, they need a government to govern all the different governments
Where are you all finding this terrible liturgical abuse?
Trump is the epitome of Christ like
Pol Pot won last round. Now, who is the worst famous left-center person?
Pseudohistory Political Compass
16x16 Political Compass of stupid world events, Choose 3.
Im tired of oscurantism denials
After shaving he looks like he is in his mid 30's again