Language Day 2025
youtuber recommendation for better learning
The word for "3" in many languages is just a derivation of "tre + something". I've just realized that, I'm kinda shocked now
why is it kak? does it not mean "how"?
Gifted wunderkind says he wants to read an entire novel in Japanese starting from 0 as a summer project.
[Unknown > English] Is this Uralic, Samoyedic, Yukaghir, or Siberian? It’s so that I can bring it into a trip, in the future. Furthermore, I’d like the Romanization of this.
Speaking English is so hilarious
While browsing YouTube I fell on a video about some gigastacy teaching a truly useful language like Sumerian here mentioned. Finally this website seems to have started understandanding my lingusitiscal needs.
[Unknown > English] this little pot
[ Arabic → English] delicious mystery food
Army or navy for linguist?
[Unknown > English] I heard my brother listen to this song and I wanted to know what language is this ? and what does it say?
"Dude she said SIT"
I finally figured out how to read, using a method commonly mentioned in the FAQ/Wiki, every comment section, and everywhere else on the internet
I finally figured out how to read in my target language
Why am I not C2 after spending money and studying for months? I'm quitting language learning.
Army to Air Force: The grass isn’t always greener
thank heavens I took that mandarin course!
What is the stigma behind wanting to go combat arms
What is the saddest song you've ever heard?
Karen tangles with a combat veteran, gets more than a handful
Help, I’m addicted to Duolingo - und das ist nicht gut
The people making this poster were so kind that they made Urdu left-to-right and printed! How wonderful.
I learned a second language out of spite. *evil emoji*
I learned a second language out of spite (repost)
You are TL is stupid
Has someone ever shamed you for learning you TL and why?
[Unknown > English] Does anyone know what language is this?