My Brother Won the Lottery… But I Swapped Our Tickets
Reverse Rockbusters
guess who i found on chopped
thought this would be welcome here
Pickle girl
Boring isn't it, just staying in making totally pointless posts that might get removed because they're just barely content with your life? 👄🍄🟫🤤
Hello Xfm
Spotted in Florida
who do you think is the culprit?
He treats objects like women, man...
Hmm…no thanks, I’m full.
My daughter and I had two different interpretations.
lil snack
Missing diamond stud earring
Lost dog, last seen in east Flatbush
Doin' much for the corruption, or just cruising?
Serbian bikers against corruption
Saw this at my local grocery store! Lol!
Brule’s prison time/whereabouts
Right. So ages ago there was this thing right...
If you decide to live large, what do you tell people when they ask “what do you do?”
Indian teenager with one in a BILLION werewolf syndrome breaks hairiest face record
Hi am I permanently banned
I piss pronounciate a lot of my worms
Why is my keyboard so sticky?