Does a Helbrute have a chance to become a Chosen or Daemon Prince?
Very high BPM music helps me concentrate
A Warhammer employee told me that he expects the next full support space marine faction to be Salamanders and I’m just going to go ahead believing him.
The show integrated into your vocabulary
Community note has wristwraps on it
Please rate my paintjob
Can anyone identify the body on this kit bash?
How to shut out the voices while in the gym?
Chaos Terminators
The Golden Order
What is your favorite off-meta Class skill and Guild skill?
My companions. They lost a bet.
how are we liking Abnur Tharn’s glow-up?
The average Dumbmer child
Do you legitimately like gameplay for arcanist?
Are you being held without trial in a Thalmor Dommy Mommy Dominion detention center? Know your rights!
Chin drunkenly pointing guns at his food
Big brown really was a dumb and confusing nickname
Are These Devout Enough? Word Bearers Legionaries Kitbash (CC Welcome)
Will the Emperor's Children Infractors/Tormentors split signal CSM splitting bolter and chainsword legionaries into their own unit profiles?
So what's this guy gonna count as now? Wrong weapon for a Tormentor/Infractor, but also wrong base size for the new Noise Marines from the looks of it
What has The Sims 4 done BETTER than previous instalments?
There is two type of players.
Is this guy Imperial or Breton? How do you tell them apart?
Ready to crush the Corpse-emperors puny servants!