What are your unpopular GD opinions? (Read desc.)
What is the most random shit image you have
Non-extreme victors, what is your favorite extreme? Here's mine
what difficulty would you say my layout is (and how can I improve it)
Surprisingly fun gameplay gimmick that i stole from a mobile game
Easiest Hard demons pls? (Im searching a new hardest)
guys im not on mobile i swear
Name a game
What was the first bra you got to 1250 trophies
Guess the demon! (drawing edition)
What does your battle card look like?
How do you make this effect using area move?
Let's see what is the funniest one
Back on balls
So what's your favorite official level and the answers will be turned into a pie chart(check desc)
If you have only his title, don't take this seriously please
What was your 28th mastery title?
Ah yes
Im curious. Why do people do smth like this
Name a level that you’d defend like this
If Geometry Dash had 10 Commandments, what would some of them be?
what characters makes you feel this way?
Brawl Stars X Mobile Game Classics!
How do you sort your brawlers?
Supercell ruined contest for me