[KCD1] The male fantasy
My Honest Opinion of Nosferatu as a Goth Girl 🥀
Looking for Canadian clothing and footwear brands with tall women sizes
[KCD2] So… I’ve just started my second playthrough and all my fast travel icons and discovered places are still here. Is this a bug?
Is this shitposty enough to be here
Why is Wilson in love with a shark? Is he stupid?
I’d just say that Luke Dale’s 24 hour stream is going swimmingly 😂 [KCD2]
tumblr decided this one very easily
[KCD2] Trying to get the Zavish achievement but never bothered leveling polearms? Henry of Gaslitz has a solution for you 💪
Just two dudes yankin the pizzle
I can’t keep up with how much my fragrance preferences change day to day
Swedish news got the title correct
[KCD2] Henry of Skalitz and Hans Capon's dynamic the whole game
[Other] If they finish Henry's story in KCD3, what are your thoughts on playing as Old Henry. It would give WH a reason to reset our stats for a 3rd time at least.
What do my favourite perfumes say about me?
[KCD2] He's hungry
[KCD2] Day turned to night and almost day again while I duelled this MF with stupid polearms
Sekretarz Stanu USA: "podziękuj (Elonowi), bo Polska mogłaby mieć Rosjan na granicy"
My Updated Collection
‘The food is 100 times better,’ Canadians are rooting for A&W over McDonald’s amid trade war
So, are you team Triss Merigold or Yenne… I mean Katherine or Rosa? [KCD2]
Trump Criticizes Security Treaty With Japan as Uneven
[KCD2] TIL you can actually sit in some outhouses
Trump Adviser Wildly Claims Canada Has Been ‘Taken Over by Mexican Cartels’