1st time grading- can I smoothen small dents?
What Got For MSRP After Checking So Many Times - Not Buying More at These Prices.
I can't see my post or photos when I upload (android)
From my lcs' last 2 Ursaluna boxes to a...
Guys what do you suggest? should i do it?
We listen and we don't judge
Giving away Costco Paldean Fates Tins
Maybe I should've looked at shipping first lolll
Retrogamer, price gouging Nintendo Topps
Inactive sim got pregnant while playing other sim
Anyone Else Unhappy That Susie and Noelle Are The Couple and Not Susie and Kris?
Noelle chokes Berdly over a dime but with spongebob audio
Guys and girls, what do you think of kissing after a BJ?
What is the most painful thing you have ever experienced?
If you had the option to know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding everything in the universes existence would you want to know and what would you want to know first?
You are given $2 trillion and 20 years to build something in the USA. What do you build?
Pets can suddenly speak, what would be your pet's first words?
If life was a videogame, what would you put as loading screen tips?
People of reddit, what is better than sex?
Someone breaks into your house, what are they definitely NOT stealing?
What’s your biggest fantasy? [NSFW]
Since he's a huge fan of the games and would almost definitely be down to do it, I think Jack Black should voice phone guy in the movie!
Scottgames.com update!
Hey, anyone been to the Sanshee website recently? These screenshots are from today, preorders!