Haitian 2024 Voting Pattern
What percent of Haitians do you think voted for Kamala or Trump
Progress that can’t be ignored
This is what real “coonery” looks like….
Genetic pools of Haitian?
KPK Rice Heading Out To The U.S
Last names
Some excellent Journalism on the Haitian Canal
What has been your experience with colorism within the Haitian community?
Haitians are being othered from the Caribbean.
Have the gangs caused rich to lose money in Haiti?
Why do you hate immigrants who pay taxes, but admire billionaires who don't?
BRICS Membership
This country is a joke
Have Haiti tried to reintroduced tariffs to combat imports.
This shi heartbreaking 💯
Outside of gangs how are diaspora prevented from investing in Haiti?
What are we even doing man. Have some self respect
History Of The UN In Haiti and why Haitians Refuse another Peacekeeping Mission
Should Democrats change tactics and focus on their core base?
Checking status of voter registration
Why is this happening??
🌸 Are You the One FINALE discussion (for those who watched the express episodes)
2PM Lee Junho's Success :Luck or Skill?
Name the fandom you are a part of and what you or others consider your sister or brother fandoms?