Is there any benefit to keeping all these? Or should I Transfer some?
Im so happy about the glitch
Looking for gmax Charizard or legendaries for shinies. Will offer multiple if needed
How to Spike the Ball (Madden ‘25)
This game hates me
1st page wanted, 2nd offering. Looking for some com day shinies I missed, and maybe Suicune for the dex. 30-day trade preferred
Lf: my favourite pokemon Offering: hopefully your favourite pokemon 😭(see attached image & description)
Is it good?
Only need one RB which one should i choose?
Looking for gods, offering God
looking for picture / offering picture
Looking for / Offering below
Looking for legendries to complete dex. Offering other legendries and shinies. 30-day trades.
Giveaway: looking for a great new year, offering a shiny Galarian Articuno
Lf above + any shinys or legys offering below
What’s the longest time you’ve held a gym?
I am so lucky it’s honestly insane
Looking for/ offer
Looking for Shiny Charmander. Offering Shiny Litten or below. 30 day.
Should i buy it?
Anyone else get burn out from these tasks?
Looking for some halloween mirror trades
Looking for random trades Offering random trades