Teenager boys be like
Best tracks from Darkthrone?
What are your favourite album covers?
What do you think is the most overrated Metal song?
Go to metal band for a newbie?
Give Me an Album That You Believe Is Perfect
What are your favorite album from your favorite band that have been underrated by their fanbase?
most forgettable death song in your opinion?
The 3 Unholy Trinities 🦇🐐💀
Underrated Bands!
Tell me a metal band and I'll tell you my most listened song by them.
Favorite albums for the gym
Name an artist ill tell you how many scrobbles I have on them
Can you tell northeast indian ethnicities apart? Guess who's from Nagaland, Mizoram, Sikkim, Arunachal, Manipur, Assam, Tripura and Meghalaya?
Rate my pre workout meal
What are yall dream band line ups
Question about Agalloch: should I listen to the original or remastered versions of The Mantle, Ashes Against the Grain, and Pale Folklore? Which is better?
Fuck yeah
Bite the Penis
The Art of Dying>>>Flying Whales
Band(s) u appreciate, due to its objective greatness, but u just can't get into?
Tell me your darkest secret
Ride the Lightning or Rust in Peace?
Top Songs Each Year, 1990!
DAY 2 of asking what country has the best music. There gotta be more, right?