Canucks X Grizzlies
Anyone else repeatedly spending 10x longer than necessary in every other zone because you made a single wrong turn somewhere?
The aiming of projectiles is off
Best RP servers
what is your most expensive lorcana card so far?
Is this deck unbeatable?
How High Will Enchanted Elsa Go?
I have no one to play with so I’m playing by myself.
Who would you like to see in future Chapters
Walmart Lorcana stock on 8/31
Pulled this shiny friend in my single booster pack for the week. Am I an idiot for deciding to not only hold onto him, but use him in the deck I'm building?
Lorcana Boosters and Card Sleeves Giveaway
One of the biggest LGS in my city was selling boxes for over $300 each. September can't get here fast enough.
Misprint discard card
Today's me & my girlfriend's anniversary, decided to celebrate by giving away some of our favorites! Will pick 5 winners, one for each card. Comment to tell us if you were a gym leader, which gym would you be and what will be your team?
Day 4 of eliminating a card from a curated selection of the most expensive singles from Sword & Shield Era until 1 is left. Top Comment card(s) gets eliminated until we find r/PokemonTCG "favorite" of the most expensive cards of the SWSH era.
Drawing of Inarius I just finished
Day 3 of eliminating the most expensive single card(s) from Sword & Shield Era until 1 is left. Top commented card(s) gets eliminated.
Friend died at 99 hc solo... 5% till he was 100
The amount of crying is going to turn this game into a loot factory
Possibly the ugliest Charizard card ever made 💀
Jordon Spieth’s ball spec available. Anybody going for it?
How is EA going to make this up to us?
So when are we setting up a 16 person Reddit match?
False advertising from EA - Why did you advertise you can do 1 round Career mode?