Track keeps looping after it’s ended
Thankful much?
I feel like it will never be good enough
Someone dared to put their foot on my arm rest on a flight.
Thoughts from a newcomer
easy Ghost songs to play on the bass?
How do you get over stage fright?
AITAH for telling my wife I don’t want to hear about her hall pass hookups?
Name a band you struggle to like, another person will try to convince you otherwise.
What neighborhoods would you recommend for me?
My wife left me. Please help with the saddest divorced dad music you know.
An old man looked me dead in the eyes and handed me this
Favourtie member besides Spencer
How shit is my taste. Any band recommendations?
Perfect water
Are Schecter basses any good? I"ve never heard of them
Planes are 'demonic'
I can’t find material I like to learn, need some recommendations
So out of touch with reality
Who would believe he could be an incel? He has sexual experience.
Best Non-Metal Album?
What is the best way to learn bass for cheap?
I'm moving to ABQ from Chicago. What should I trade my snow shovel in for?
Basslines that are sligthly harder than begginner
“I’m surprised you can even hear that” x1000.