Sapphs or easily sellable items (party pots, wc, base items) ONLY! Prices firm, rest up for OFFERS!
⚠️ BUYING sapphires OUTSIDE of AJ is ILLEGAL ⚠️
Just wanted this to be known to everyone
Then explain the automated message you sent to everyone not specifying the actual ban reasons.
the pulls from tonight....
what does this mean?
Any ideas why AJ won't approve this?
Party forest worth?
Mass suspension?
What if i just…
i got hacked
Do paintseeded back items really matter on worth?
Found these Timbits in my email today
Is 5k for a glitter dino overpriced?
I just got tricked into the most clever scam I’ve ever seen….
My first epic, anyone know how much it's worth?
What to do w Blue glitter egg
I am soo conflicted. Should I open them, or keep them as little eggies 🥹
Guys I got a one day suspension for saying Fauna from ACNH is cute!! 😭
Emo giraffe deserves good ol' fashioned emo art
Should I grow her or look for offers?
(Day 10) The French Bulldog won yesterday’s vote as the most badly designed animal, but what animal has the best design? (Most upvoted comment wins)
looking for offers!
Taking offers for my stuff and legendary griffin
Help with Lingo-New jammer