Anyone else missing these?
Mental health discussion below
Designing my Inquisition Stormtroopers
Warforged Artificer - Rules and Roleplay advice/ideas please
How to optimise a Warforged Artificer (Armourer) using the new playtest rules for Tanking?
As a Warforged Artificer could I craft a +1 Armblade?
[OC] Warforged Artificer - Rules and Roleplay advice/ideas please
Inquisition stormtrooper Command squad and friends
Inquisition Stormtrooper Command squad and friends
Lieutenant and Desolators painted
Ready for Priming
How do Terminators fit into watch companies?
Has a Krieger ever been turned into a Space Marine??
Deathwatch Books
I don't think I ever asked but what do you think of my Inquisitor's symbol?
Desolators and Lieutenant
How do you all do Techmarines/Libarians/Apothecarys ?
Anyone have an opinion on the "Siege of Vraks" Novel by Steve Lyons thats coming out with for preorder?