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Number 1 JJJ top 100
Melbournians of Reddit, how do you pronounce "Açai?" [photo for reference]
Thought this dress at lifeline was cute - nevermind it's *$250!!*
What would you plant here?
Wondering if other people used to flatten 1c pieces.
You couldn't leave the tuck shop without a few of these bad boys - Smiley
April Fool's Day
Re Guys check out my new ink i'm slayin it
Haven't seen these grounding straps in ages.
Darwin rough sleepers say current wet season one of the worst they have experienced
Kids Alive Do The Five
Proud rangaborignal
Paddyngarra Day… St Pat’s days should show more respect to indigenous Australia…
Handmade/recycled paper
Whose parent used to make homemade plasticine for you?
Introducing the city of Clive Jaffa!
Steel wire inside tofu
People of Albury / Wodonga - which one of these do you get?
Average Eastern suburbs ‘wellness expert’
Does anyone know what these helicopters are doing?
Failed Family Court Reform
Jai Shri Ram!
When you use a public toilet do you touch the toilet? or do you pad it up or air squat?
People who start an email with a name, and no greeting...