My kids won't stop reading Dog Man
Sinners and mortals alike, I now give you permission to ask anything you want about God, (Or me), and please, dont feel like you need to hold back any horny questions... ask away!
I'm bored give me som nicknames for Arlo
Yo I’m at envy ask any questions
Hey, ya fuckin sinners, ask me anything, and I'll try to not be horny
Hello everyone, Cthulhu here, I stole Azathoth’s phone while he was sleeping.. ask me anything I guess? Unless your Emberlynn 😒 (Art by Zal_Cryptid)
"And on tonight's radio broadcast, I'm pleased to bring you the story of a little unhinged freak named Riley! Ask anything you like about her!" [OC]
So.. Uhh.. Hear me out
Well nieces and nephew, auntie was pressured into making a TikTok by her coworkers and I did! I was banned after around 40 or so minutes of using the damn thing.
Season 2 LEAKS! Jesus shows up in the hotel 🤯 [OC]
*hic* Someone c-called me Bambi. I-Iam NOT a fawn! *giggle* I'm a... I'm a GEMINI! *heehoo* A-Anyways. did you know Vox is a little BITCH?! *distant sound of breaking glass* 's true, I sheen it m'self.
This is how we slept last night anyways AMA time
When your toxic dad gets more pussy and cock than you.
Guys rate my Val cosplay from 1 to 1e+47 (I’m gonna use this to break into the vees tower)
Heyo! It’s busty dusty. Sorry for not posting in a bit, had a hell of an ear infection (which is funny cause I didn’t even know I had ears under all the fluff). Anyway what’d yous get up to in the mean time?
Me when Angel x Demon ships (credit to the artist and me lol)
u/The_Time_Wizard- and I are now rivals! (According to me, at least) Who are you gonna side with? (Smart people side with me [I’ll fucking blip you out of reality if you dont side with me])
How would Alastor respond to waking up in heaven
Angel Meeting Striker (credit: me)
Alastor insane animation (by m1ck4rt instagram)
reason why i haven't been active in two weeks
Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on a train when I saw this I had to start masturbaiting. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying stuff like “what the fuck”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw the image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbaiting at this one image.
I want him in my bed so badly ;-;
Message for Millie