This is my first time doing this "pick what tier list for" thing but i wanted to stand out from the crowd so i decided to put some wildcards in here
[Credits to @ElectrikAnim on Twitter] Awesome Metal Sonic Vs Perfect Cell animation!
Would you eat one succulent Chinese meal for $1
Mod Applications Are Open!
Metal Sonic is out, who will be next
Post your last saved image and I'll tell you how it defeats Goku.
Opinions on Batman vs Moon Knight?
Opinions on Magneto vs Megatron?
my final goodbye...
what do you think? (this is my first post on this subreddit btw
guys.... i gotta confess smth....
Maria what?
Important thing I have to say but can’t fit all into the title
Give me your hottest takes (image unrelated)
guys i had a semi-nightmare that keeps coming back
make sure to give callie and weenie some love guys
Just empty the mag 😭😭
If you don’t glaze this ship you earn my respect
Day 12 on what are your thoughts on this user?: u/chastainfam
Day 11 on what are your thoughts on this user?: u/Biovore_Gaming
i feel like most of yall kinda like me enough now where i can vent now
Day 10 of what are your thoughts on this user?: u/Pogostickjack
Here are some death battle matchups that most people don't really like but i defend