BE spirit dragon x CBG interaction? Someone help me understand please.
Whats a older deck that you wish got more support?
I finally get to do the thing (srr 4 poor quality I play on mobile)
Master duel really brings out the worst in me and coin flip can do a flip off a cliff.
Is this deck idea worth spending gems for?
My crush is a nerd and plays Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, help
Need team building advice
Internal promotion vs college hires.
How do I get rid of my emotions?
Is being a learning trainer worth it?
Trying to remember an older anime.
Looking for something like attack in titan
Pessimistic MC who are healing?
My sister has schizophrenia and my mum has undiagnosed bipolar - no one really remembers my traumatic childhood but me.
There isn't a therapist alive thats qualified enough to deal with the mood swing i had with this summon, I remain undefeated by the 50/50.
When are we gonna get more fish support.
Gotta be the most visually loudest skins out there lol.
[COD] Whats your favorite cod game to snipe in and fav sniper. For me it was BO2 and the ballista still has my heart to this day. Quick scoped like warm butter.
[MW3] I won employee of the month for being the #1 seller.
Whoever you are 🤣
Armoury Unlock Glitched?
I won employee of the month for being the #1 seller.
Am I missing something or is this one of the dumbest effects I've read.
The most needle thread line i think I've ever had to do.
Aight infernoble players. Whats some spicy tech? also how many interruptions can this deck play through?