they made black forest guaranteed <3
The Meta can burn for all I care
You guys buying this?
Petition to get her publicly exacuted
Snek dad & snek daughter 🐍
Who is your favorite ancient hero and beast,and why?
Here we go again
I can’t believe I am just now building him.
Welp, 😌 I'm dead. 🤣
Why does it feel that smc is more common in black forest's gacha (two separate draws)
Just found this bug in the audio
Who are you mad at bro…?
Guys which element do I choose
How do you report a bug in this game?
Help it’s my final one
So did you all choose to lv70 for favoritism or meta slavery 😭
How do I get more magic powder as a f2p?
Wdym we need 5 Levelmons 🫠
Should I use WS on Elif if i don’t have her?
FT: Electron (⭐) / LF: Alkazam or Tangrowth or Gloom
Who to wish for
I swear I’m not boosted
I'm so angry lol
Is this serious