Marriage is Dead
Well I lost…
Tell me things are going to be ok in America.
Who are these pokemon?
Is this worth dumping all of my rare candies into?
2 years ago I started playing to get out of my wheelchair.
This morning I filled the dishwasher and nobody told me that I had done it wrong.
This made Zorua minutes unplayable
So… how does one do this
Please help a 28 year old Noobie
I feel so lucky right now
Anyone have worse luck?
Well no point in continuing if this is the first one, am I right?
Anyone Else Think This?
Something I'm really happy about
Pokémon GO away
Ex wife divorced me. I feel so lost with no purpose in life.
What's the most painful truth you've learned about life?
Proposition--Create a DIvorce Data subreddit
What shiny refuses to pop up for you?
Got my first ever 0 IV Pokemon today.
How Do YOU Pronounce Rayquaza?
T-rex, designed by Sou Komura and folded with ogami paper
Scanning Field Research
What is something you avoid for your mental health?