Huracan STO -1:02:7xx run
reference for St Patrick’s Day cup if anyone needs it
Missed my shot in 2018, ain't about to miss it now.
are u f**king serious?
Reduce this Shits knock back
What is the worst looking car in the game?
Sector 8 PR. Can definitely get 49:1xx if i didnt mess up
What is the best looking car in the game?
Lucky Strike Round 2 & 3. Gimme what I want
Wow, I can really feel the developers’ commitment to FAIRNESS here! (P2W vs F2P)
my only 2 shots at lucky strike
For Hot-Let3498
Playing with youtubers 😝
Inspiration from Jolene-A8, little skit I made
Upgrading cars is f*cked, fairness and competitiveness is also f*cked. I present to you: THE WORST, MOST POINTLESS(P2W) UPDATE EVER in A8!
I used your ideas and I just broke my old record by a few milliseconds 😀
Hot take: Pvp Should be Turned Off When You Open the Game
double kill
Had to do some convincing but did a nice trade
What do you guys think of control's value after rework
Should We Start Eating our Control Fruits for the Rework??
I was about to sb hunt when I realised I couldn't even afford a ship
What was yall's biggest achivement. rules: no event items or fruits.