Maci quitting the show
What are some "computer games" you played as a kid (or younger self, or generally pre-2000s ish)?
does it bum anybody out that time travel won't ever be a reality?
What’s the first thing you’re doing if you won 10 million dollars?
What is your favorite childhood game you played until now?
“Siblings of addicts is a population that never gets a voice”
Baby Presley and her big brother. All that dark hair!
My fav pic of Tyler
The sweatshirt Ryan wore bringing his baby girl home from the hospital 🗑️
Doctor Tsao, that’s his name, that name again is Doctor Tsao
S3 ep2 Ty's sister eating cornflakes with a fork
Ali & Leah new episode
How do you know if you have ADHD for sure?
Ensley's bday party. Some pics from Jenelle's Instagram.
What's a food that you don't eat purely because of texture?
What's a 'kid food' you secretly (or not so secretly) still enjoy as an adult?
What do you cook when you don't feel like cooking?
What's a food that other people love but you hate?
Kenleighs repost!! 😂 David will burn the whole world down with you in it!!
Parenting done for the weekend, time to get the babysitter back so Jenelle can take a break and enjoy the Super Bowl.
He gives me the ick so bad I’m sorry y’all
She doesn't like you either, jan.
Anyone get a screen shot of Jenelles now deleted post?
Looks like despite all of calendar boys drama, Jenelle is giving Ensley a birthday party 🎈
I’m watching Jenelle do her hair on live and then she turns around to show us the back and I about died 😭😂