Normal to take a month to learn a 3 minute piece?
Anyone move from a small firm to big 4? Was it much harder?
Am I allowed to reach out of ex-employees about career advice?
Do you Memorize prior to properly "learning" the piece?
Study before or after work?
Are there really less " higher level" jobs?
Why are there CPAs struggling to find work?
Is it wrong to diet when I am skinny fat?
Will my work be harder at a big 4 vs small firm?
Would this piece be considered "advanced" piece in the classical world?
Any fellow Canadians pivot from accounting to finance?
Any Canadians writing the US CPA?
Is big 4 rolling based for applicants?
Questions about auditing?
How do you organize your notes and questions to make it easy to follow?
Is it true you can suck in Industry but you can't suck in public?
Is 50k small firm normal in Toronto?
Do MOST people "not make it?"
What is big 4 audit schedule like ( Commute ) ?
DO most public offices in Toronto work Hybrid model?
Is the Canadian or US cpa harder?
What makes someone exceptional at YOUR job.
ways to solve accounting Homework?
Do you guys use dual monitors?
Fighting boredom when studying or during breaks?