Behold! According to this subreddit’s votes, these are the chapters that players represent in multiplayer!
What legion or chapter do you all represent in multiplayer? I will make a pie chart in 24 hours with the results.
We need a custom parts tab for helmets
Thoughts on no team perks?
My best attempt at loyalist traitor forces.
What new SM2 classes would you like to see?
Heavy players, please
The imperium is trash
Thing I want to see in space marines 2
Describe our Holy Emperor in one word?
My entire game gone
Angry much?
All my homies hate the new hero
4 V 1 for the game 😂🥇
Weapon progress reset
JiangJun Execution idea
why do people play like this
Honor? Never heard of it.
Who’s your “ok you want me to play serious huh” character
Age demographic
What y'all thing of warmonger?
If given the choice, which hero would you romance?
Wth dude
I don’t get why she spammed “thanks”