Some weedly wees from yours truly. Fun to play a show with full pyro!
Wednesday morning soft synth jam. Came up with this peppy '80s melody because it was grey and snowy outside.
So I heard we're doing winter landings here now!
Just transitioned to this little beauty. a WT-9 Dynamic. VNE 160 kt and a glass cockpit
Why do not some presets sound as in videos?
I asked for ground power, not ground beef
Why are bears called Yai Guai?
Genuine question...what's the deal with chibsons?
I Think its done at last, Guitar cabinet build.
Who's the most talented/famous guitarist with the least G.A.S.?
Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (1985)
Which amp most represents and defines the iconic Fender sound?
Why don't I enjoy playing Les Pauls?
Would you rather play a heavy guitar or light?
What's a 'modern convenience' that actually made your life harder?
Chris Broderick Soloist vs Jeff Loomis Soloist
Best Clean Tone You’ve Ever Heard
what age do i start calling myself a woman?
Which of these sounds like the most fun to you?
Opinions on Yngwie
What thickness of a pick do you use ?
Is the strat volume knob problem a skill issue?
General question Wednesday: Ask your general car-related question and maybe someone will have an answer.
Where do people even buy drugs from?
what is everyone’s favourite klon clone?