Will expired Suboxones still work?
Sub taper help
Rapid taper?
Question about absorption
Jumping at .125
Science-y Redditors- is addiction to DOC or to having opiate receptors covered?
Will I get withdrawal from this dose
Have you guys had extreme vomiting from suboxone?
For those who have tapered of Subs. How long did it take for you to feel normal?
Am I in precipitated withdrawals???
Tapering for Surgery, Days Clean Needed for Full Pain Med Effects? Withdrawal?
Can I go from 8mg a day to 4 without any wd?
Do painkillers work different if you’re actually in pain?
Muscle and joint pains BAD
.5mg to .25mg?
How long after missing a dose do you feel badly?
Need help with tapering
I could use some advice on tapering.
Depressed but I don’t change my ways.
Did I mess up my taper by accident?
If you’re tapering, suboxone slicer is super helpful!
Am I being an idiot? False positive test?
Are fentanyl false positives possible?
4mg strip size question please!
Help With CTT or Buying Postage Online- Can Pay for Help