Who needs a pocketful of sunshine when you can have a handful of weevils?
Made my snail some amour
What's going on with my T's legs here?
What's wrong with this poor baby?
do u like him
Why does my spider like cucumbers, the cucumber us for her food, but it seems like she likes the cucumber more XD
Rename my skink?
Birthday skink??? Skink celebrating birthday????
Leashing a skink for outside time?
Skinks being cats??? Skinks in cat beds or cat towers or playing with cat toys????
screaming abt my new earrings
Been a month- still hasn't been found.
just moved him into a new tank.. does he look like he’s feeling okay?
Hoodie skinks??? Skinks in hoodies???
Bts doodle
Is my tarantula too fat?
Help!! Molting or dead?
Found this young fella under our bin
My house Is infested inside
They can bite
Kenyan Sand Boa suddenly Digging?
Why the weevil has this big frontal legs?
Sleepy Skinks??? Skinks after a bedtime story?
Skinks being little sweetie pies? Skink affection?
Skinks going “banana mode”? Skinks arching their backs???