All Writers for BL4 (that we know of). Curious to what your expectations are of the story so far, and if this list harms/aids them in any way. Rooster Teeths Miles Luna on BL4 is a pleasant surprise.
I think it's time.
Concept art vs in game
What do you think The Timekeeper in BL4 is going to sound like? Him being described as some imposing dictator of an Order got me thinking of some voices. Thoughts on his potential? [SOUND]
What do you think The Timekeeper in BL4 is going to sound like? Him being described as some imposing dictator of an Order got me thinking of some voices. Thoughts overall? Who should play him? [SOUND]
Considering some of the big names the last 2 games had. Do you guys think BL4 is going to potentially feature any celebrity voice actors/cameos again? If so, who do you think? & who would you want?
In BL2 & TPS, I'm stuck in the OFFLINE mode, despite having an internet connection & especially one to Steam. & when I try to switch the network I get stuck in a loop. Invites don't work, Ik I at LEAST appear on SHiFT. But I'm stuck & need help. Does anyone know what the issue might be? (SOUND ON)
Van Halen gun?!?
In BL2, TPS & 3, I'm stuck in the OFFLINE mode, despite having an internet connection, to steam & shift. 2 & TPS have this loop issue thing, but not 3. Anyone know what the issue might be? (SOUND ON)
In BL2 & TPS, I'm stuck in the OFFLINE mode, despite having an internet connection & especially one to Steam. & when I try to switch the network I get stuck in a loop. Invites don't work, I know I at LEAST appear on SHiFT. But I'm stuck & need help. Does anyone know what the issue might be?
I'm really hoping in BL4 we to see Gortys & Loader Bot again... Its been too long, and unfair for them to not have returned at this point. Same with Fiona & Sasha...
Seems like the real villain all along was poor lighting and contrast --not the timekeeper. Cuz the VH's start to look much more solid & presentable under some nicer illumination imo.
In light of Borderlands 4's big trailer tomorrow, I wanted to do a BL4 prediction BINGO to see what we assume might end up being true. What are your predictions? Trailer related or not. Lets hear it..
Some BL4 Vault-Hunter concepts of mine I decided to draw, & base off of the silhouettes found in the real BL4 Concept art, which --weirdly, no one has seemed to notice or really address yet. Thoughts?
Here is a weapons manufacturer I was conceptualizing for Borderlands, a game series you may be familiar with.
This perfectly round tangerine I got from my school lunch a few years ago.
I really wanna figure out what the name of this song used in this trailer is. (i'd really appreciate it if someone could find what it is)
I hope we get to spend a lot more time on Promethea in BL4! It was amazing traversing and fighting on the cyclone. [Images NOT mine]
Some interesting BL3 concept art I found, that apparently shows how Ava was going to look like at one point. (or Eva --as she was called at the time) She looks more..... modest?
Quick question... Do you folks mostly browse r/borderlands3 on your Phones? Or on a Computer?
Was anyone aware of these locations in Three Horns Valley? 12 years out from this games release, and its still surprises me with new little discoveries like this. I never knew that cliffside with Rakk's even existed... How often do you come upon a new chest or area in this game, --curious.
Did anyone know this? that Jack's body-double in opportunity actually had dialogue? And that its aggressively & hilariously unenthusiastic, lol? (sound on)
I dunno, I might be the only one that thinks this, but I have a feeling that BL4 might be the best game, but will have a strange position in the franchise as an also very bad "awkward 4th installment"
Was kinda hoping that for the movie they'd work with Jack Blacks volume of hair to trim it into a square or somethin lol
What New Element do you think BL4 will introduce? if it were to at all? Given that each installment has added one, I'm curious to see if BL4 will follow tradition, or just bring Slag back or something