The hulkbuster would 100% be the perfect vanguard
A literal fucking idiot for a villain
What past banners did you summon on that you knew would take away your 10th anniversary luck?
Fuck this stupid monopoly stuff just let me spend money n buy suicune
How many stones did it take you?
Gun to your head, you need to get at least 2 super attacks to live, which normal attack merchant are you picking to save your life?
Learn a tank. Everyone. Learn a tank.
MARVEL RIVALS!!!!! Make Wesley Snipes the voice of Blade and my life is yours
Lmao Get Chomped Fn 💀
Two can play that game Jeffy boy
How would the cell juniors react to cell max if they were in the superhero movie?
Nick Fury gets added to the game, but which version?
If Toppo and Jiren visited earth to fight Goku and Vegeta, Piccolo and Gohan should step up in their place to fight them instead.
Which character is your main choice for each role?
it seems clear that the creators of PalWorld LOVE cats
Buu indirectly saved the universe by doing this
Who do you think would win evolved Godzilla or shimo?
Hulk and iron man thought life was finna be a breeze 💀💀
I was not going down by myself 💀
Will these versions of hulk be skins for him or will they have their own character slot?
Orange Piccolo runs the Gauntlet (Ch.103) how far does he get?
I can't cross this bridge because I have stick drift🥲
I really pulled White Lily on the morning of my birthday yesterday!!
How would jetfire's influence change the later bayverse films if he didn't have to die?