What would you name these groups?
RFK Jr on Vaccines and MMR
Saw this meme when searching up what The SJW league is.
Roses are red, how come
Just not seeing the appeal here
Why do the edges look so...triangley? Only in cycles? And the edges are relatively straight in Edit Mode.
Roasting All 8 Of The Cognitive Functions Because They Deserve It!
Ah yes both Ti and Fi are high..... the blindspots for ENXPs
akinator doesn’t know mbti
ESTP: It’s either breakdance or breakdown, baby
What positive impact has MBTI brought into your life?
Discuss what your dream relationship would be. Here's mine
POV: It's the Apocalypse, which team while survive?
Seriously lol
Why do ISFJs have difficulties with deep conversations?
I didn't expect this
What 3 pills would you pick and what’s your MBTI?
some exceptions are valid
why i am special
Is there any way to send a message to someone without it pinging them?
MBTI types as symbolism by ENTP:
My MBTI types classification. What do you think?