You walk in on your favorite character as they were changing. What do you do?
Dumb overlord question but....
Which position suits him?
Epic I just want you to know, I would honestly *love* to get these, but I ain't spending a penny on kicks until you lower these prices.
What's a skin you like but everyone has the wrong idea of why?
This fanbase has a bit of a problem with double standards.
Brain's ultimate plan to defeat Shalltear (Art by Mouse =*w*=)
Dreams of CZ
Music to the ears
Albedo & Shalltear in a box by @_daifuku_maru
dont cry
Whose name are you writing in the life note first?
Which character is your birthday? Mine is Vaggie 😀
Do you pass the vibe check
You are fighting lord ainz what is your weapon?
Pretend you got back from the fortnite movie in the comments
Which skin are you going to main next season?
It happened again guys
What is all of your plans for valentines
I feel like female skins get most of the love in the community. So tell me, what are your favorite male skins?
What is the most DIABOLICAL thing, in your opinion, has he done?
Verosika by me
Who did you get?